So now that we're not all dying from the PAX Plague, I think we can all confirm that PAX East was nothing short of incredible. The flight from Seattle was long, the weather in Boston was cold and rainy, but the energy from the booth made it all worth it.
Day Zero

The Showfloor
While this wasn't our first PAX, this was our big reveal. We've got a publisher now! With Annapurna Interactive backing us, we were able to double the amount of computers we normally set up, as well as bring the whole team to run the booth. Traffic from Annapurna's booth naturally found its way to ours, which made for an incredibly popular game.

Shaky Cam footage from the last match on Saturday!
The End
Thanks to everyone who came by our booth! It wouldn't have been possible without you guys. We met a ton of people who were passionate about our game. From followers of our old block-y build, to new players who had never heard about us before, watching the excitement on each team is what made PAX East worth it in the end. Seriously, thank you, we wouldn't have made it this far without you.
I wish Alex would look at me the same way he looks at that sandwich. Big thanks to Omri Drucker, a member of our discord community, for the picture!