This week’s maps will contain a few additional ones, which use a new concept recently created by our level designer Axsom. They use the killhouse tile-set, but with a completely new set of rooms, with their own rules on how to spawn, which creates a brand new tactical experience. It’s called “Club” - Let’s take a closer look:

There is a big bar area with a stage and a dance-floor. It is overseen by an elevated office and a VIP-room. Additionally, there is an outside perch, which gives you an elevated line of sights on the interior. Below is the security room, which holds a surprise for you if you decide to use it as your entrance. Can you guess what it is?
A word on region selection
Our Australian player-base is very happy about our very recently added Australian servers. But they are also confused about why they still sometimes happen to end up on US servers. The reason is that our current matchmaking system doesn't guarantee that you will play in the region that you have selected. It treats the selection more like a suggestion. This made sense when our regions were all fairly close to each other, but with AUS servers in the mix, this became a problem. We are working on a new system which will give you more control over the region selection by giving you the option to mark each region either as "not acceptable", "acceptable" or "preferred".
Another hotfix
We deployed another patch yesterday, which fixed an issue with guns not making sounds and removed a few items that accidentally sneaked into the training area and could crash your game (oops).
With all that being said, please give us feedback on the new Club levels in the #level-feedback channel of our discord server.