Shortly after launching into Beta we discovered that we attracted a sizable fan-base from Australia. We are very happy about this and want to make sure they have a great experience when playing this game. For this reason, we just added game servers located in Australia!
While the Australian fan-base was the loudest, we noticed that a lot of people are asking for other regions as well. Please tell us in the comments below which region you would be excited for. It’s likely that our next target is Japan.
Hotfix for Input Delay
Additionally to the new server region, we also deployed a hotfix to solve an issue that got introduced by yesterday’s big feature-and-balance-patch. Players with a ping higher than 133 experienced a small input delay on all their actions. The hotfix changed this to only happen at a ping higher than 233.
There is another hotfix scheduled for later this week, which will address a few other minor issues.
Why Due Process is Hidden in Steam search
The game is unlisted on Steam, which means that you cannot find it via the Steam search feature. A lot of people are wondering, why we decided to go this way. Here is our reasoning:
The game is not quite in the spot that we want to show it to everyone in the world. Having the game unlisted means, that it requires an initial interest in Due Process in order to find it. The idea is to manage expectations. We don’t want people to randomly stumble upon the game and think it’s a finished product. If people are committed, they can find and purchase the game. For everyone else, we’d much rather their first experience be a good one and wait until the game hits early access.
Additionally keeping the game under the radar keeps the player-base at a manageable size until we have some crucial features completed that will allow us to scale better.
There is more to come this week
As mentioned above, there will be another hotfix later this week. Additionally, we will deploy new maps before the weekend. These maps will introduce a brand new killhouse structure featuring 2 story levels. Here’s a teaser:

Please tell us what you think in the #level-feedback channel in our discord server.