Last week I talked a lot about the tools to create a plan in Due Process. Today I want to showcase how it is possible to come up with vastly different strategies on the same map. Therefore, I categorized the plans the community submitted by their overall approach.
The full map clear
A popular approach for this map was to clear the whole building. The idea is to slowly and methodically seize control of the situation before attempting to defuse the bomb. It is usually combined with turning off power. This way you reduce the defenders' positional advantage which hopefully allows you to take out all of them.

The storefront push
A very tempting strategy was to blow up shutters and go straight for the bomb. This is the "hit hard and fast" approach. The goal is to overwhelm the defenders in storefront due to sheer violence of action. If executed well, the rest of them will not have enough time to regroup and counter-attack before the bomb is defused.

The Pincer
A good idea, not just on this map, but in Due Process in general, is to attack your opponent from multiple angles. They can only look and shoot in one direction after all. The obvious way to achieve this is to enter the building from multiple points. On this map, one of those was often storefront, while the other was a door nearby. This way you can overwhelm the defenders on one side of the map and secure the perimeter. Which will, hopefully, make it very hard for the rest of your opponents to take it from you.

A few of you decided to take an approach that is more fun rather than effective. See for yourself.

Honorable mention
Last but not least, I want to showcase a plan from one of our developers, which I could not fit in any of the categories above.
Our planning phase is one of our unique selling points. Thus, we have and continue to put a lot of resources into making it a great experience. We hope it shows.