We’re back! We flew out to Dallas for Dreamhack last weekend to show the game off on the show floor. Our booth had 20 machines which were constantly running games. Reception to Due Process was incredibly positive, with many players returning over and over to get one more round in. We handed out Alpha keys to everyone who played, and even had some time on the main stage!

We also had this happen at the booth. Truly the peak of cooperative gameplay.
Meanwhile, during Alpha 20…
While we were at Dreamhack, our Alpha Testers continued uploading clips!
Objects can have multiple loadouts! The level generator picks one and deletes the rest.
Alpha 20 was a noteworthy weekend as it featured the return of “Prop Loadouts” that have been missing for quite some time. Prop Loadouts were the level-generators way of applying decorations to objects, adding a little flavor to our levels and making things seem a little less procedural. They were disabled quite some time ago due to performance issues that arose when unselected loadouts weren’t being deleted correctly, which resulted in thousands of invisible objects getting physics calculations when shot at that brought framerates to a standstill. Now that this issue has been fixed, levels look pretty again! The above video, particularly the C-Store Chaos clip, does a good job of showing off the return of Prop Loadouts.
We also managed to sneak in a much needed Spectator upgrade just in time for Dreamhack: Players can now spectate in first person! Anyone spectating a match can press 1 - 5 to toggle between each player to view the game through their eyes. We also added in “super spectator mode” on the map screen that will let the camera follow the action, zooming in and out as players clash, keeping the action front and center. If you’ve ever stopped by our booth at a convention and watched the spectator TV… yeah, it’s that. We have more plans and tools for spectators in mind, so stay tuned for more info!
New Devs in Town
Me and the boys, etc etc
Our team continues to grow! We’ve made four new hires over the past few months, and if you’re in Discord, you’ve no doubt noticed our list of Developers has grown. New in the Gameplay department are Andrew and Robert who have started crushing bugs like there’s no tomorrow. Steve Houchard joins the cast of characters as our Technical Director, bringing his wealth of expertise to help guide our systems into a more stable future. Last, but certainly not least, is our new QA guy, Aaron! Most will know him as Discord user @Ozymandias. He’s proven to be such an invaluable Alpha tester that we brought him on to help identify and reproduce issues for the rest of the team. Do give them a warm welcome on Reddit and Discord!
That’s all for now
Dreamhack was an absolute blast! We met a ton of awesome people, and gave out more keys than we can count. If you’re one of the lucky few to have received a key, head on over to our Discord Server and check out the #welcome channel for instructions on how to join the Alpha Testing Community. Even with so many keys out in the wild, we’re still giving out 100 more this Friday and have plans for another “Invite-a-Friend” wave in the near future. Thank you to everyone who made our Dreamhack booth such a hotspot during the event!