Hey folks! We've been blown away by your amazing reaction to the Beta (join here)! It's been a truly incredible experience receiving so much praise and love for the game.

We also received a great deal of very valuable feedback. Based on this feedback, we've been able to determine the following points as our top priorities for the Beta. When all these issues have been addressed, we will move to Early Access.


The number one complaint we've been seeing is overall game performance. People are not getting the FPS they would expect, and with Due Process being a competitive first-person-shooter, this is a serious issue. Our goal for Early Access is to optimize the game to the point where it runs at consistent 120 FPS on high-end machines. We’ll continue to push the performance even further after that.

Crashing in Loading Screen

We have multiple reports of the game crashing in the loading screen. This is obviously a game-breaker and thus must get resolved.

Fix Matchmaking

You know what is even worse than crashing out of a match? Not even being able to connect to it! There are various issues with matchmaking, which have to be ironed out.

Additionally we have noticed, that with the removal of the global chat feature, it got really hard to get people to queue up for a Ranked match. We are working on a feature to increase the Ranked-queue population.

Australian Servers

Hey folks from the other side of the world! We heard you loud and clear. You are very excited for Due Process. We'll get you some servers near you as fast as possible.

Networking and Hit-Registration

Speaking of servers, sometimes our networking code does not quite work as intended, which can lead to failed hit-registration and similar issues. We'll tinker with it to make it work more reliably.


Every game is better with friends. This is especially true for a game like Due Process that relies so much on teamwork. With that in mind, we want to make it easier for you to not just play with your current friends, but add new ones as well! We'll be making is easier to find and create friends as part of our Beta updates.

Smoother Animations

When we did our network refactor a few months ago (you can read more about it here), we unfortunately lost a lot of features in our animation controller. This has led to all kinds of issues like animations playing choppy and weapons having no sway when moving. Animations are very important for how the game feels so we want to get them back to the level pre-refactor.

Glass Breaking

Glass breaking is another feature lost in the network refactor. Since we added decals, this now creates huge visibility problems. So expect glass to break again in the near future.

Balancing Sound

Sound is very important for a tactical shooter. Reworking and balancing the sound design has been on our todo-list for a while now. Now is the time to act on it.


These are the things we will be working on over the next few weeks. If you have the feeling that we are missing something absolutely critical, please tell us either in our Discord or post a thread on our Subreddit.

Thanks again for the amazing support from you all, please keep it up!
